

The European Concrete Paving Association EUPAVE and the Czech Research Institute of Binding Materials Prague, in collaboration with the World Road Association PIARC, held the 12th International Symposium on Concrete Roads, in Prague in 2014.

This is a commemoration of that event.

The motto of the Symposium was: “Innovative solutions – Benefiting society”

The innovations not only refer to new developments of materials and concrete mixes but also to the shift from traditional motorways and trunk roads to infrastructure for other transport modes: rail, tram, bus, bicycles and pedestrians. The use of concrete in public spaces is becoming more and more popular, both in traditional and contemporary styles.

Modern long life pavements are characterized by low environmental impact, low life-cycle cost and durable high-quality surfaces. Light coloured surfaces and rigid structures contribute to tackling of global warming through the positive aspects of albedo and reduced fuel consumption. These turn concrete roads into invaluable assets in terms of sustainability and a benefit for society.

With your support and contribution, this four-yearly Symposium will result again in a successful top event, gathering experts from industry and government, engineers, infrastructure managers, researchers and other interested participants. Preparations have started in order to offer you a mixed programme of academic sessions, site visits and social activities.

All this will took place in the historic surroundings of magical Prague, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Visiting Prague, you will be impressed by this city of monuments and a wide range of architectural styles across generations, human mentality and beliefs. Since 1992, the historic core of the city has been listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In addition, Prague is a city full of life and a romantic delight by night. .

We are glad to have met you in Prague.